1) How did you feel like a child not seeing your own race not being represented on screen and in general media?
Growing up I did not see a lot of Latinx in the UK general media.
There was no representation as were still a minority here.
The new generation now has a chance to be the representation.
However, I did use to watch telenovelas so I saw Latinx represented there. However, even then the cast members on telenovelas are not diverse and have its own issues with colourism.
As a child, I’m not sure if I realised if this effected me. If I did see a Latinx character it would feel as if they realised that Latinx people existed. It was a little “yay” moment.
2) What do you think about cultural appropriation?
In general, I think people should be educated on why something is appropriation.
There are a lot of cultures with history, and being open to listening and learning from them I believe is one way to prevent being tone-deaf.
3) What do you think of cultural stereotypes? Have you ever experienced any?
I think culture stereotypes stem from a small truth. However, the way in which it is used to minimise or mock minorities I do not support. I find it harmful.
The cleaner stereotype hits close to home. In my personal life I know a lot of Latinx who are cleaners, it’s a form of income. Most of the people have degrees back home, but things change once they arrive here for a better life.
In contrast, you also get the “fiery” “sexy Latina” stereotype.
If you ask people, what do you think of Latinx You are also likely to receive a reply along the lines “They are very passionate” “they like to dance”.
These remarks make me giggle. I wouldn’t say in a bad way because they’re not necessarily wrong. But it plays i
nto a different kind of stereotype.
Latinx woman can be seen as a fiery yet black woman is seen as loud and rude.
Which is odd to me as there are Afro Latinx too.
4) Have you ever felt misrepresented? How did that make you feel?
There isn’t much representation in the UK.
We don’t really have representation.
The only representation I can think of, on the t
op of my head, is Gina Rodriguez as Jane in Jane the Virgin, and Sofia Vergara as Gloria Delgado in Modern family. But these are all American media.
It would be nice to have representation. To see someone like yourself on screen.
With the new generation, this could be possible.
I think it’s also important to note that in the UK Latinx are mainly first and second generation, therefore there is cultural merge. British Latinx.
As most of our parents came here to work and go back home, but plans change.
We don’t have a history in the UK, as our grandparents didn’t migrate here. Only now can we begin to be represented, in the UK.
Written by Liz from London
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