1. Due to my lack of understanding, I didn’t see it as an issue however on the other side of the spectrum I also didn’t see value in my own skin as I was growing up most of my favourite characters were white.
2. I never really experienced any issues with this hence why I never felt a certain way whereas others have. The only thing is witnessing it for an example a white girl with braids can get away with it but a black girl is told to remove it or face consequences because it is seen as unprofessional.
3. I have experienced different forms of cultural stereotypes, for example, I went to a shop picked up a packet of crisps but realised I had not enough money to purchase it - also being in the presence of a white woman who after I walked out of the shop assumed I stole something which traumatised as a kid because I was brought up to not behave a certain way in the public eye but felt as though it was because of my skin colour. Another example is when I go into a shop like boots I used to get followed by security all around the shop which made me feel very uncomfortable and made me want to question him as to why because their priority is their product and their customers.
4. Because of the colour of my skin people automatically assume I have anger issues or I listen to drill music regularly or because of the way I dress and look overall. A lot of us feel as though the media movies and other people’s experiences with different individuals have affected us where we are judged before people get to know us and it’s not just other races it can be our own depending on the situation.
Written by Nathaniel from London
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