London-based illustrator Keisha writes to us about took advantage of 2020 to learn new skills, honing them in preparation for the new year.
"My goal for 2020 was to learn a lot of technical skills and go on and beyond, like push myself to the limit. Also to show in my portfolio I can do a lot of things and I'm experimental.
I was so envious and still am of people who literally just create cool stuff I see on Instagram and other platforms and I took it upon myself to follow the trend. I am still struggling but I at least know the basic stuff in Blender and Sparks AR, I am getting used to after effects now and I feel proud of myself!
Even though we were stuck inside for 2020, at least I got something out of it!
2021 for me is to enhance these skills and get an internship!! Or be an illustrator in residence in London."
Written and illustrated by @hi.imkeisha
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